Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Why you have cellulite

Do you have cellulite? Most woman do. It's not your fault. You did not eat the wrong foods or did not exercise enough. If anything, it may be your parents fault. Regardless, 85% of woman are affected and billions are spent each year trying to treat it.

To understand why cellulite occurs you have to understand the structure of human skin. Think of your skin like a house. The outermost layer of the skin is the epidermis. It acts like the "shingles" on the roof on a house and repells wind, rain and dirt. Below the epidermis is the dermis which is like "roof" itself. It supports the shingles and contains the "skin appendiges" such as hair follicles, sweat glands etc. Below the epidermis is the hypodermis which contains the subcutaneous fat. This is the business layer in cellulite. The final important layer is the "floor" of the house which is the fascia which surrounds the muscle. Anchoring the roof to to the floor are strong dermal bands or bridges which are like the "walls". The rooms of this skin house are filled with fat. When the fat swells from hormonal imbalance or inflammation, the dermal bridges are stretched and pull down on the roof causing the ugly dimpling of skin so characteristic of cellulite.

What can you do? The trick to teating cellulite involves reducing swelling in the fat and disrupting or breaking the dermal bridges. Creams alone don't work since they cannot penetrate through the relatively impervious epidermis "shingles". However, the simple act of massaging the area may have some benefit.

Several companies have developed cellulite treatment devices with the goal of imparting micro and macro mechanical fources to treat cellulite. The WellBox and the Belle bodybuffer are two devices that have taken different approaches. Both are sold for home use and differ significantly in operation and price. Both have been shown to be effective. Check out their websites for more details. Good luck for now.